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Merrit DeBartolo MD (he/him)

@Sneesel @vincent “In nomine Patris et Filii et Praeputii Sancti Amen.” 😂

(*not sure how you did the diacritical marks there @vincent , mad respect!)

Vincent :coffeecup:

@MerritMD @Sneesel That's already a better religion!

(On the android keyboard, I hold down a letter and it lets me select diacritics. On Mac, it's the same trick.)

✿ Floby 💉😷💨

@ZachWeinersmith /me is trying to translate "its place is in a museum" in mehica

Shirley Eugest

@floby @ZachWeinersmith This is as close as I could get.
"lugarninqa huk museopim kachkan"

✿ Floby 💉😷💨

@EugestShirley @ZachWeinersmith haha thank you! I have literally zero ways to understand how close that is though XD

Mark Gardner

@ZachWeinersmith First time I’ve regretted using @MonaApp’s translation feature


@ZachWeinersmith Id est aromaticus globus escae (manus signum)


@ZachWeinersmith probably did that during the Reformation, and when abortion was legalised


@ZachWeinersmith Zach, let me tell you there are enough pieces of that around to make a king-size bed blanket if you sew them all together.

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