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Mastodon Engineering

#Mastodon 4.2 is out! This massive update features new search functionality and many usability improvements. See the extensive changelog and upgrade instructions here:

Anthony Accioly

@MastodonEngineering, this is a great update. Thank you.

✅ Include public posts in search results

Can't see myself ticking this checkbox anywhere else :).

Gracious Anthracite


Can y’all PLEASE stop trying to depreciate the Local timeline, it is GREAT for instances that haven’t grown to be too damn huge to still work as a community.


@MastodonEngineering Looks awesome and thank you for all the new shiny features.

My 2 cents on this update - the previous Local/Federated feeds worked better than the new "Live Feeds" from a UX perspective. Live Feeds scroll automatically and disrupt the readers experience. Maybe add a button to update the Live Feeds, rather than auto updation.

Secondly, I wonder how much incremental server resources the Live Feed will require and if it might put too much strain on smaller servers who dont have too much funding.


@MastodonEngineering Looks awesome and thank you for all the new shiny features.

My 2 cents on this update - the previous Local/Federated feeds worked better than the new "Live Feeds" from a UX perspective. Live Feeds scroll automatically and disrupt the readers experience. Maybe add a button to update the Live Feeds, rather than auto updation.


@MastodonEngineering FYI, in the upgrade notes there's no mention of changing the old default nginx site file to support the new maximum attachment size.

"client_max_body_size 80m;" if unchanged causes a response of "413Request Entity Too Large" when trying to attach a file greater than 80mb of course.

There's a mention of editing the nginx.conf for the streaming server changes but nothing about the limit above shipped with previous versions that needs to be changed when upgrading.

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