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i_lost_my_bagel :loss: :verified: :loss: :verified:

Quit censoring yourself

The corporations can't touch you here

You can say fuck again

Edit: This only applies to swear words. Slurs are still bad.


@i_lost_my_bagel never understood the problem with swaering. or nudeness.

99% sure we are just stuck in some dumb ass pop-up simulation, because we clicked the wrong link irl.


@madoka @i_lost_my_bagel I always thought it was subtle Christian undertones


@Lyude maybe, but what is more likely:
that some thousands of years old cult still has influence over the way society operates today, or that the remaining processing power of your host machine slowly gets occupied more and more by virus™, so the simulation you are currently held hostage in needs to be simplified and becomes less and less comprehendible by the day?

$ Enya🔥 | Backwards Bicyclists :transsparkles: :verifiedplural: :verified_cat:
@i_lost_my_bagel yeah what the fuck is up with corporate media not liking curse words, that was kinda weird

This is unrelated but does anyone else think 'censoring' fuck like "f*ck"/"f-word" is kinda an asshole move?

Like we all know what the word is but you made me say it in my head instead of writing it down, and made it actively harder for someone to filter it out.

Either just not mention it at all - or go full out...

But idk maybe that just me...

Cody :collar: Fuck my ass im shitting myself, brb going to the fucking shitter. ​:kekw:​

Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@i_lost_my_bagel in fact you can say "FUCK THE BILLIONAIRES" here and you won't be censored, it's why this place is 'it' for me!

rellik moo


Heck yeah!

Gosh darn all those asterisks and such.

I mean, shoot: If you're going to mince an oath, you well freaking should commit to it.


device ⛧

@i_lost_my_bagel @gsuberland I encourage everyone to quit censoring themselves everywhere, you can say fuck on linkedin too

A. Rivera


Thank fucking goodness for that. Another reason I am finding Mastodon superior to some other wannabe replacements like Bluesky (or "beesky" as kids call it) and the new Pebble (formerly T2, now these folks take artificial gentility to a whole other level).

Fuckety fuck fuck.

Omega Haxors

@i_lost_my_bagel On mastodon, corporations can't censor you for expressing left-of-hitler sentiment. Looking at YOU, youtube comment section.

Komi :3

@i_lost_my_bagel so you mean:

fuck fuck fucking dick fuck fuck fucking shit fuck fucking bitch fuck fucking kick the ass dick dick dick cock fuck shit dick i fucking shit fuck you


@i_lost_my_bagel boosting this fucking post again after that excellent fucking edit

Erg0t4min3 :bash:

@i_lost_my_bagel I will work 'fuck' into every further post thank you very fucking much.


@i_lost_my_bagel also, you can say TREBUCHET TERFS as much as you want! :D and for that matter, GUILLOTINE BILLIONARES!

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