#Poland PiS government declassified and published parts of 2011 Polish military doctrine, highlighting one fragment which planned retreat towards Vistula river and holding a defense line there.
The sole purpose of this publication was to bash PiS largest political opponent — PO, who was in power back then — and imply they would give up half of Poland instantly (the message is conveniently presented with limited details to prevent its verification).
And that's the essence of Polish politics unfortunately — bash your opponent at literally any cost, even if it involves revealing and misrepresenting state secrets, thus demolishing the very concept of state continuity and preservation of state policy regardless and above of tribal wars.
It's not the first time PiS did it — in 2006-2007 they published a massive "report on military intelligence", whom they accused of being "post-communist" and in the report they happily revealed plenty of operational details including sources of information. The report gained huge popularity in #Russia, not surprisingly, but also a lot of raised eyebrows on the stupidity of such transparency, which compromised Polish sources e.g. in Afghanistan.
This PiS publication also gained plenty of interest in Russia and Ukraine, with comments ridiculing "cowardice" of Polish army. The harm to the reputation of Polish command, Poland's defense forces and Polish state on its own is immense, but this has never stopped them before.
The sole purpose of this publication was to bash PiS largest political opponent — PO, who was in power back then — and imply they would give up half of Poland instantly (the message is conveniently presented with limited details to prevent its verification).
And that's the essence of Polish politics unfortunately — bash your opponent at literally any cost, even if it involves revealing and misrepresenting state secrets, thus demolishing the very concept of state continuity and preservation of state policy regardless and above of tribal wars.
It's not the first time PiS did it — in 2006-2007 they published a massive "report on military intelligence", whom they accused of being "post-communist" and in the report they happily revealed plenty of operational details including sources of information. The report gained huge popularity in #Russia, not surprisingly, but also a lot of raised eyebrows on the stupidity of such transparency, which compromised Polish sources e.g. in Afghanistan.
This PiS publication also gained plenty of interest in Russia and Ukraine, with comments ridiculing "cowardice" of Polish army. The harm to the reputation of Polish command, Poland's defense forces and Polish state on its own is immense, but this has never stopped them before.