@simon does anyone know if, after donating, they offer a German Spendenbescheinigung or Zuwendungsbestätigung ? Thank you in advance 🙌
cc: @openstreetmap
@simon does anyone know if, after donating, they offer a German Spendenbescheinigung or Zuwendungsbestätigung ? Thank you in advance 🙌 cc: @openstreetmap 5 comments
@piratenpanda @simon @openstreetmap Looks like it does, at least this is what they stipulate on the website. You need to write in the payment description „Spende OpenStreetMap“ or „Spende OSM“ @piratenpanda @simon @dminca Yes-ish. It doesn't go directly to the OSMFoundation, rather to FOSSGIS. But they use that for OSM stuff, like running the German speaking OSM(+ other open geo) conference. Many of the web services that you see on osm.org are on FOSSGIS hosted (&paid for) services. |
@dminca @openstreetmap you can get a receipt, but as the OSMF isn't a charity (not going in to the nitty gritty details of non-profits and all the associated differences from country to country) tl;dr that isn't going to help you.
Note however that the German OSMF local chapter is a charity, see fossgis.de/verein/spenden