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ator robot

@stellarskylark @ktemkin it's not retroactive in that way. it's retroactive in that games already published with Unity will begin having the charges apply to them. whether this will stand up legally remains to be seen, though.

Kate Temkin

@stellarskylark @ator not just already published, but *sold*, as long as they’re not already installed on a given device

if you buy a game now, and wait to install it or install it on a new machine or machines, supposedly the publisher now owes Unity a fee for each install

so each time a mobile game user buys a new phone? that’s a new fee, apparently

ator robot

@ktemkin @stellarskylark yeah, the whole thing is an odious disaster 😶

I find it hard to believe Unity could be stupid enough to go through with this. then again, it seems they have been acting in contempt of their community for a while. I don't see any coming back from it really, the trust is already destroyed

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