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кира :blobhaj_heart_trans:

am i really trans or am i just faking it?


Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@trans_kira its a thing a lot of people go through, feeling like they're not "trans enough", or "cis after all", you're not alone :3

im not in the right state of mind (right now) to give you advice on this, but trust me, if you're thinking wether you're trans or not, you probably are :blobhaj_hug_tinybla:​

keep asking though, you'll probably find people who can help you point out how non-cis you'd be

с(r)а(b)ша :CrabRave: :acab:

@trans_kira согласна со вторым реплаем, я думаю, что цис-человеку никогда бы и не пришла в голову такая мысль!

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