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Speaking of articles: Europe's biggest IT and tech magazine @ct_Magazin published 3 pages where @ktn gave Phosh, Gnome Mobile, Plasma Mobile, Sxmo and even i3wm on the N900 a try and interviewed @ollieparanoid for it.

"pmOS offers pure adventure, as in the early days of desktop Linux: command-line, DIY, self-built, customized installation images with partially obscure UIs. What you get in return: sustainability, freedom and unimaginable access to the OS and hardware." (roughly translated quote)


@postmarketOS @ct_Magazin @ktn @ollieparanoid Thank you for reminding me that "cell phone" in German is "Handy". I also wanna thank Stephen Fry for introducing me to this in the first place

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@reaeal @postmarketOS @ct_Magazin @ktn @ollieparanoid QI has spread some lies about the German language too, though, if I remember correctly. I don't know what it was anymore. But it has made me wary about fun facts I learned from QI. The Elves aren't infallible, after all.


@steeph @postmarketOS @ct_Magazin @ktn @ollieparanoid I just realized that tomorrow will be the 20th anniversary of the first episode. I haven't even posted anything about QI before now, it's crazy.

Considering most doctors still believed babies didn't need anesthesia not that long before the first episode aired, you're right about being wary of any fun facts from the show, especially from the first few years. I'm glad they were right about "Handy" though.

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