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sam henri gold

regular people do not have fun on the web. the have fun in apps — neat little silos of content. they do not have a bunch of tabs open for things they found interesting and want to look at later or sprawling Matter inboxes. honestly i don’t think they even think of the web as fun, its just a collection of shops and utilities among the web versions of the aforementioned apps.

that really messed me up (and depressed me) when i realized that.

Григорий Клюшников

By extension, the one thing that just breaks my brain is that surprisingly many people live in their phones, their phones are their primary means of accessing the internet. Even at home!!! For the life of me I can't understand how could anyone legit WANT to use this kind of ridiculously pathetic limited device, that does everything but crappily, when they have choice.

Totally with Ю :questified:

@samhenrigold Say that to my aunt who has 196 tabs in mobile Chrome open and for some reason screenshots the whole internet. People are different.


@samhenrigold Counterpoint: you would have said the same thing in the nineties about microcomputers. You didn’t program them anymore, you stuck a word processor floppy in the drive and it was a word processor. You stuck a spreadsheet disk in, it was a calculator. So it goes

Григорий Клюшников

CRM-114, but you could stick a basic interpreter floppy in there as well if you wanted. You didn't really lose any functionality compared to older computers.


@grishka Just so. Most people didn’t, because that’s how Microsoft sold the computer. A console for work and games

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