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Better Reports = Better Moderation

You can now report comments and posts in the new UI without losing your place or loading another page.

In addition, we added:

✨ Report post preview
✨ Translation support
✨ Confirmation screen with a thank you message

People like you help keep our communities safe, thank you!

#pixelfed #moderation #safety

Lynn Lablanc

@pixelfed in the reasons, may suggest to add "other" in the end, where the user can put a brief explain. just to cover any else reason may happen but so rarely that doesn't need a premade button.


@dancer_xiv That is a great idea, we used to offer a text input to explain the reason but opted to not include it in the new UI because it was rarely used.

You are right that it may happen rarely that you need it, but when you do, it should be there. We'll fix this!

@pixelfed almost all reports on .de (of which there never where many, fortuntaly) had user text

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