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Liaizon Wakest

"A leading anarchist member of Defend the Atlanta Forest wrote
that they recruit and "radicalize Liberals by providing subversive narrative w/o encouraging state solutions." Other written documents, known colloquially as "zines," promote anarchist ideas."

Liaizon Wakest

@thefinalstrawradio I love that they put "zines" in quotes like its a mysterious incantation


@liaizon Any idea where that quote is originally from?

Liaizon Wakest

@cuibonobo click the link, its part of the RICO indictment against the 61


@liaizon I know. I was asking if you knew what the indictment was quoting from. I figured it out though! Turns out the cops were doing trash pulls and this is an alleged quote from one of the diaries they found.

Liaizon Wakest

@cuibonobo sorry misunderstood your question. where did you discover your answer?

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