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Osma A

@smallcircles @organicmaps
Neat. The map of my neighborhood is better than Google Maps, even after this week's GMaps update.

Three notes:
1. A persistent on screen icon just for the about menu item is disrespectful waste of screen space.
2. I'd like to export and import GPX on mobile, in order to both use routing in my Garmin, and to correct road marking. Current tools for that are not convenient enough for either to happen.
3. Alternative routes, when the first pick isn't satisfactory.

Organic Maps

@osma @smallcircles 1. It’s critically important for new users, to collect their negative feedback, to share our philosophy and to get donations. 2. You can now import GPX tracks and export KML. 3. Alternate routes are planned. With your donations and support our small team of enthusiasts and contributors working in our free time can implement this and other features faster.

Nils Weisensee

@organicmaps Totally agree with @osma @smallcircles and have been meaning to make the same points about the "About" icon. It's super prominent and entirely useless after tapping it once. If you're aiming to show it to new users, show it on first use and then offer an option to hide it forever? Or show your donation request once after every update? There are many better ways to achieve this goal.

Emme Ci πŸ‰

@organicmaps @osma @smallcircles One feature that would improve the first user experience is to implement dynamic loading of online maps (asking the user if they are ok with it) when someone zooms in on an area for which the offline maps are missing.

Osma A

It downloaded my local map immediately after I gave location permission. Is that not it?

Emme Ci πŸ‰

@osma @organicmaps Nope, sometimes I want to look at a map of a city in a place far away I may never be going to. I just want to see the map once, downloading a few pre rendered tiles the way osmand does is enough. I do not need to download the whole region.

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