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donni saphire

Have you been injured by clouds? You may be entitled to condensation

River Brandon

@donni Total cumulus damages could be significant.

Larry Smith

I remember some 40 years ago seeing a T-shirt that said (showing a fellow sitting in the bottom of a flask):

If you aren't part of the solution
Then you are part of the precipitate.


@donni is the interest on that cumulotive 🤔


@donni I hate to rain on your parade. You'll just end up watching it sail on by.

Error Crater

@donni may i use "injured by clouds" for an album title

Rob Neppell

@donni Go to your room and think about what you've done.


@donni Once, a cloud rained on my parade. Ruined my day.

Dave Tapley

a. please enjoy my reluctant but worthy boost
b. please post to
c. I feel like I should be able to 'boost' there because fediverse
d. but I'm not sure now?
e. yet, seems to be aware of you, but not your posts?

Richard Degenne

@donni Can we get a hashtag for #wittypuns, I need more of these in my life!

Dreading Slam

I woulld feel a bit of a drip. Best let is wash over.

Manawyrm | Sarah

@donni no, but I've been obscured by clouds... ☁️


@donni Have you been injured by clowns? you may be entitled to commiseration. 😂

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