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Fedilab Apps

Extra-features (disabled by default) is somewhat confusing in #Fedilab.
This option allows to enable features that #Mastodon doesn't support (quotes, reactions, submit messages in a specific format, etc.)
But softwares like #Pleroma, #Akkoma, #GlitchSocial, #FireFish don't support (currently) same features.

We plan to use #NodeInfo to automatically enable features depending on the user's instance (ie: software).

Cleo of Topless Topics

@apps I assume this means adding in a feature to quote-boost others' posts, not enable/disable quote-boosts on our own posts? I'd really rather not invite Twitter-style dogpiles on my own stuff 😅

Tech Geek


How does the quote function actually work?

And after enabling the reactions, and when I click the reaction icons in the timeline, nothing happens.

Any solutions to these please


@apps Some servers add a list of supported features to NodeInfo metadata object (e.g. Pleroma). It would be cool to have a standard for those.

marcin mikołajczak

Nodeinfo is not any more useful than /api/vX/instance information (version string, pleroma.metadata.features…) for feature gating


#Nodeinfo has proven invaluable to me and also many of the public Fediverse databases, for example, with things like:

* The particular MRF settings implemented for a particular instance
* Fingerprinting exactly which platform and version is being examined
* How many local users have accounts on the instance
* Average number of posts in various different perspectives - total, per user, this period, Etc.
* Whether or not the instance is operated by Good, sharing Fedizens or people that choose not to disclose.

A #FEP for this can go a long way toward stabilizing this defacto standard as dejure.

#Fedilab's commitment to support the most popular #Fediverse platforms such as #Pleroma, #Soapbox, #Akkoma, #Misskey, #Firefish, #Mitra, #Pixelfed, #Solo, #Peertube, and other, unnofficially supported platforms like #Takahe is commendable, and Nodeinfo is a great way to enter into the foray of deterministically providing the users with that support.

It also encourages instance operators to make this information public - as it should be in almost all cases.

#talllship #FOSS #stats #usage_statistics #compatibility



Attached: Fedilab Logo - standard.

#Nodeinfo has proven invaluable to me and also many of the public Fediverse databases, for example, with things like:

* The particular MRF settings implemented for a particular instance
* Fingerprinting exactly which platform and version is being examined
* How many local users have accounts on the instance
* Average number of posts in various different perspectives - total, per user, this period, Etc.
* Whether or not the instance is operated by Good, sharing Fedizens or people that choose not to disclose.

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