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Mastodon Engineering

The third beta of #Mastodon 4.2.0 is now available. We're pretty much just fine tuning search now!

Michael Szell

@MastodonEngineering The perfect tongue twister (try to say it really fast)

Stumpi im Retroland

@MastodonEngineering Da hat der @janboehm ja endlich seine Fulltext Suche für Mastodon 😸
"Add full-text search of opted-in public posts and rework search operators
This introduces a new public_statuses Elasticsearch index for public posts by users who have opted in to their posts being searchable[...]"

David Collantes

@MastodonEngineering running it, loving every piece of it! Even thought I got an error on `RAILS_ENV=production bin/tootctl search deploy --reset-chewy` (issue #26800), search works nicely.


@MastodonEngineering Indexed 600k posts for 275mb Elastic storage. Works.


@MastodonEngineering I have some English creeping into the UI, although my translation is at 100%.

Can you pull translations from Crowdin into main so that I can grab the latest there for testing?

Thanks! 🥰


@MastodonEngineering What's happening with the Android Play store version?

Rainer AI Blockchain Rehak 4.0

@MastodonEngineering It is still the case, that Mastodon search works only opt-in through a very complicated setting (while Google indexes all posts in full)? Still big fan. :)

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@MastodonEngineering Assuming no ship stoppers, is there a date for final release?

I don't want to install the beta but I do plan to install 4.2.0 when it drops.

Stephanie 🎀

@MastodonEngineering My wishlist:

🎀GIFs (there’s someone I interact with a lot who’s stuck on the ex-birdsite because GIFs make it easier for them to communicate. Implementing GIFs will help complete their transition here)
🎀Translate button

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