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Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@Jedigirl the good old 'you have to suffer to make you stronger' concept and the eternal case of the younger generation always being 'too soft'.

It's especially funny in a sad way when you literally heard your grandparents saying that to your parents, your parents saying it to you and your siblings say it to their own kids.


@Jedigirl Just some random thoughts here but narcissists are insane. Being a narcissist obviously sucks. There is no such thing as a happy narcissist.

And yet, they constantly attempt to force other people into becoming narcissists. Giving an extreme amount of credence to the term...misery loves company.

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


The thing this is missing is that most people want others to suffer not simply because they happened to turn out fine, but because they believe that suffering **is the reason** they turned out fine. They see it as something that builds character.

Not saying their right, just saying you cant fix a problem by misunderstanding it.


@Jedigirl there are literally laws against what we went through, and I'm glad my children have the benefit of those laws.

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