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Anze Tomic

@gruber I have never seen “big league” as an explanation of his “bigly”. I know what big league means from movies and such but I never connected the two. I just thought he said bigly because he is, well, him.

John Gruber

@anzet I think it's an east coast US thing. I've always heard it as “big league”, and was surprised not just that some people thought he was saying “bigly", but that *most* did.

Anze Tomic

@gruber I rarely really hear American accents unless they are really pronounced (southern mostly) but I am going to find a clip of him saying big league because it just made too much sense to me for him to say weird things like bigly.

Btw: Melania is from Slovenia which is where I am from so I feel like we have a little responsibility for the last presidency :)

Dave Rahardja

@gruber @anzet Same, I heard it as “big league”, and I am not an east-coaster by any means.


@gruber @anzet The BBC ran this at the time but most people still thought it was “bigly”.

Jemal Cole Loves Each Of You

@gruber @anzet this fees like an “egg corn” as discussed on RecDiffs with @siracusa and @hotdogsladies this week, but is it people mishearing him saying “big league” or him growing up mishearing it and saying “bigly”? Could go either way.

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