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🪦 Microsoft is discontinuing WordPad after almost 30 years. They recommend using Microsoft Word for rich text and Windows Notepad for plain text, but you can also explore our complete list of alternatives:

Blue background with the WordPad program in the center. Above, on the program's interface, the WordPad logo, and below, written inside the editor, a tombstone emoji with a flower and the phrase 'Farewell, old friend...'

@alternativeto that is crazy, I had to use them during exams at school, last few years XD darn Microsoft cutting the good things they made.


@fosserytech @alternativeto LibreOffice is amazing, my go to office suite on Linux (after Neovim) and Windows.


@fosserytech just terribly unusable with M$ document types

as well as its own

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@fwam @fosserytech nah.

#LibreOffice works fine.
I jist refuse to accept #OOXML bloat and expect either #PDF-Forms or #OpenDocument.


@kkarhan @fosserytech

a) stop with the tags, it's unnecessary and nonlegible

b) LibreOffice struggles even with ODT lmao

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@fwam @fosserytech
a) I don't let anyone police my toots. #DealWithIt!
b) IDK what kind of files you use but I've never had issues with #OpenDocument and the only.issues I ever had were caused by #MicrosoftOffice and/or #OOXML.

irina 🌷🐇 friend of eggbug

@kkarhan @fwam even if the problems are caused by MS Word or .docx files, they are the standard, so a FOSS solution has to neatly slot in to work as a viable replacement.

If I send documents to someone and it looks messed up on their machine because I used LibreOffice and MS Word couldn't handle it, it's just gonna look like I messed up. (there are solutions to this - sending as a pdf - and I never had that many issues personally)

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@irina @fwam Well, then I just refuse tofollow a shitty standard.

#OpenDocument works with everything and #OOXML doesn't.

I also use #PDF if I want a consistent layout or something people should just fill out like a form.


If we always oriented #tech on a shitty standard, we'd have #SquareWheels on cars because circles are harder to make accurately....

See the [allegedly Ford] quote of the "faster horses"...

@irina @fwam Well, then I just refuse tofollow a shitty standard.

#OpenDocument works with everything and #OOXML doesn't.

I also use #PDF if I want a consistent layout or something people should just fill out like a form.


If we always oriented #tech on a shitty standard, we'd have #SquareWheels on cars because circles are harder to make accurately....


@kkarhan here's the thing

the standard is as shitty on both sides

OOXML barely works on LibreOffice, and ODT barely works on M$

Generally, both standards are shit, because they're overmade, heavily.

But the thing is, you can't just „refuse” to use a standard widely used in industry, because that'd be absurd.

PDFs are the closest to doing shit, but it's basically read-only. Unless you want just forms, but... that's not what PDFs are for, anyway.

If you need collab work, you just have to use M$, unless the employer you're working for is using a different standard.

Personally, I use md anyway, the easiest to maintain, the most idiot-proof

@kkarhan here's the thing

the standard is as shitty on both sides

OOXML barely works on LibreOffice, and ODT barely works on M$

Generally, both standards are shit, because they're overmade, heavily.

But the thing is, you can't just „refuse” to use a standard widely used in industry, because that'd be absurd.

Fossery Tech :fedora: :krita:

@fwam what's the problem with OpenDocument formats? The shitty OpenDocument compatibility of MS Office?


@alternativeto I've used Open Office / Libre Office for decades.

Jay Turner

@alternativeto Google Docs is free and runs on every OS

Tobleh 🇨🇦

@TurnrDev @alternativeto LibreOffice is free (both in cost and in being able to access/contribute/share), runs on every OS, and can work offline with local files.

And other options are available that also share those advantages that GDocs doesn't.

Jay Turner

@tobleh @alternativeto sure! That's true! Depends how frequently you need it and how much you care about the privacy of what you're writing. I, myself, rarely use any office products so I just use GDocs.


@TurnrDev @alternativeto If "every OS" is chrome, chrome, chrome and chrome.

Please don't spread misinformation.

Jay Turner

@ellenor2000 @alternativeto Google Docs can run inside the browser. It runs on Firefox, Chrome and Safari. It has native apps on Android and iOS. Every modern OS that can access the internet can access it. If you can provide an OS that can't, I'll eat my hat.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@alternativeto I'd recommend #AbiWord instead of #WordPad:

It's a simple, sleek and efficient #WYSIWYG #Editor for #printable #text and works on basically everything, without any subscriptions and offline.

Badger AF (he/him)

@alternativeto I've been using Notepad++ for about 13 years now - never went back to Microsoft Notepad.



Microsoft Word substitutes:

- Trapping your fingers with the front door of your home
- Screeching chalk on a blackboard and then eating it
- Sucking an assortment of pencil sharpeners, one by one
- Accidentally kicking the leg of a heavy metallic table, barefoot


@alternativeto gosh, do people still use Windows😂


They should open source it like they did with File Manager.


@alternativeto oh yeah, I forgot about Wordpad…did not care for Wordpad…


@alternativeto “Hey ! You can use just use World™️ which you can buy for 159$ instead of using our free discontinued WordPad“ Thanks Microsoft.


@alternativeto Everyone keeps saying 'after 28 years', but wordpad is essentially a continuation of 'MS Write' (it even sits as write.exe these days), which has been a staple of windows since v1.0 in 1985

I'm not going to panic too much though, because it's not like MS are reaching into my win10 and removing it, if they remove it it'll be from win12 onwards, and I'll probably switch to 100% linux desktop before using win12


@alternativeto Since working full time Ive wondered why Wordpad existed, it solved nothing. guess MS did the same.

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