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Dan Hon

Now *this* is cyberpunk:

Paw Patrol snacks from Lidl under urgent recall because the URL on the pack has been compromised and is serving hardcore porn

#RiotsWork 2024 Challenge

@danhon not me running out to Lidl right away to see if they have any left

Brooks Davis

@danhon is it hacked or did someone forget to pay the registrar?


@danhon Reading into it, seems to be that packaging was printed by a promotions company that has now gone out of business, URL pointed to them, someone has typo-squatted on it and now direct it to p0rn


@danhon I remember those days where website bandwidth was so precious that people would “hotlink” images from other sites; it would appear on your page, but the other guy got the bill for the bandwidth used.

At least until people figure it out that you could just change the image that was hotlinked to be pretty much anything. Wild hilarity ensued… At least for those of us being ripped off by cheapskate website mavens. 😈

Jon Williams

@danhon I hate Paw Patrol at least as much as my kindergartener loves it (all societal problems are solved via a combination of cops and huge vehicles) so LOL I guess

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