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Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@pjohanneson I think search as I was advocating opt-out as opposed to opt-in. The poll for quote posts is still new though.

Patrick Johanneson 🚀

@mike Yeah, I'm all for full-text search but I understand why others want it opt-in only at this point.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@pjohanneson I've already fought this war but I honestly don't get opt in. for the feature to work it needs a critical mass of posts. Just make it easy to opt out. Otherwise what are you searching, accounts that want to promote themselves?

Patrick Johanneson 🚀

@mike I get it, I understand where you're coming from, but I'm also a cishet white middle-class dude who has never seen the torrent of abuse some people have suffered on The Other Sites. I'm willing to let the work fall on me if I want my stuff indexed & searchable.

Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag:

@pjohanneson As I said, make it easy for vulnerable people to opt out. Like a big red button, or a banner across the interface "Your posts are currently searchable on Mastodon would you like to disable this feature?"

Patrick Johanneson 🚀

@mike That's the kind of balancing act that makes me glad I'm not an instance admin.

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