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Rob Carlson

@j3s This is the tech equivalent of "if you lose your wedding ring down the shower drain, you can earn a degree in mechanical engineering with a public infrastructure focus, get a job at the sewage processing plant, strain through the effluent to create a mold to make a new copy of it."


@vees i see it more like "if you lose some important documents down a drain, dump all of the pipes on the ground & grab your document"

Rob Carlson

@j3s @vees Casual use of gdb implies a master plumber level’s toolbox in arms reach.

Brian Hawthorne

@FandaSin @j3s @vees I never realized they were plumbers. Where’s the butt-crack?


@vees @j3s Eh, just an angle grinder (or just a metal saw if you don't feel like getting electrocuted) and some rainboots.

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@lispi314 @vees @j3s depending on where in the pipe, a pipe wrench might just do


@4censord @vees @j3s Well yes, but then you're getting into the "having proper plumbing tools" thing.

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@lispi314 @vees @j3s hmm, I had a pipe wrench like years before having any type of metal compatible saw, but I also just never needed to cut things


@4censord @lispi314 @vees while you have been arguing about tools, i have been studying the blade


@j3s @4censord @lispi314 @vees

With enough determination, a wrench can become a saw.

Related: Ah, the good old C-x M-dumpgrep. Why didn't you say so?

Albert Cardona

@vees @j3s

The instructions are clear enough, and almost complete: to attach gdb, at least in Ubuntu 22.04 it needs the "-p" flag. I just tried them out to find this very text I am typing now.

$ pgrep -l firefox
$ sudo gdb -p <PID>
(gdb) gcore firefox.dump
$ vi firefox.dump

What took longest is opening the 3GB dump file. At least 'vi' was up for the task. Could have been done more effectively by grep'ing the text.


@vees @j3s ahaha. For people that don't have this time in their hands: never write long form in someonelse untrusty interface. Just write it somewhere and Ctrl+c Ctrl+v 😋


@Julianoe @vees @j3s This is exactly what I do. Although usually I only think about it after my input has been erased at least once. :blobfoxnotlikethis:

Ondrej Mikle

@vees This is effect of stupid javascript frameworks. Normal HTML form will not lose the text when you go back, for example.

There are lots of shitty javascript frameworks and sites that do bonkers UX, I have 5+ addons to "unfuck web".

There used to be "edit in external editor" simple addon for this, which saved both locally and into the form, but now because of various reasons you need to actually run a tiny web server *and* have addon just for this, because it needs to execute editor.

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