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Rob Carlson

@j3s @vees Casual use of gdb implies a master plumber level’s toolbox in arms reach.

Brian Hawthorne

@FandaSin @j3s @vees I never realized they were plumbers. Where’s the butt-crack?


@vees @j3s Eh, just an angle grinder (or just a metal saw if you don't feel like getting electrocuted) and some rainboots.

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@lispi314 @vees @j3s depending on where in the pipe, a pipe wrench might just do


@4censord @vees @j3s Well yes, but then you're getting into the "having proper plumbing tools" thing.

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@lispi314 @vees @j3s hmm, I had a pipe wrench like years before having any type of metal compatible saw, but I also just never needed to cut things


@4censord @lispi314 @vees while you have been arguing about tools, i have been studying the blade


@j3s @4censord @lispi314 @vees

With enough determination, a wrench can become a saw.

Related: Ah, the good old C-x M-dumpgrep. Why didn't you say so?

Albert Cardona

@vees @j3s

The instructions are clear enough, and almost complete: to attach gdb, at least in Ubuntu 22.04 it needs the "-p" flag. I just tried them out to find this very text I am typing now.

$ pgrep -l firefox
$ sudo gdb -p <PID>
(gdb) gcore firefox.dump
$ vi firefox.dump

What took longest is opening the 3GB dump file. At least 'vi' was up for the task. Could have been done more effectively by grep'ing the text.

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