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This thread is long, as our (and Nik's) post is long. My Mastodon reach exceeds Nik's, and by posting about this I'm probably spreading the dirty laundry here to people who previously hadn't heard about any of this. Sorry about that. I don't think this is the best use of our OpenCollective blog, or my Mastodon account, or frankly the time I've put into the incident response here. But I care *very* much about Tusky, both the app and our community, and I think it's important to correct the record.


In conclusion: Imagine that in lieu of this post, I screamed for thirty-six seconds nonstop and then collapsed unconscious.

Raven Onthill

@mcc is there going to be an independent audit? I think that's probably the only way to resolve this; an opinion from a neutral third party.

How big is the collective? What is its formal organization?


@ravenonthill Raven, before I answer this question, did you read the post?

EDIT: The one on OpenCollective, I mean.


@mcc Why do I have a suspicion that you have actually measured this duration?

Clairement crevée

@mcc thank you for your work on Tusky, technical and otherwise, and thanks for the response

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