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Wren Reilly

@tante I had a Jolla phone and was happy with it aside from the fact that I couldn’t use Signal. If you don’t care about the networks your friends, family, and coworkers use, you can be a purist.

I can put a ROM without nasty nasty evil Googles on a phone. What I can’t do is make the damned thing smaller. That’s the thing I will give Fairphone shit about. Phones are too damned big. Make a smaller phone and more people would buy it and use it longer.

Wilfried Klaebe

Smaller? What? I want a phone that's thicker so it's more physically stable, doesn't bend as easily! Use the volume to a) avoid camera bumps and b) include more battery capacity, so it holds longer than a day despite heavily using Element...
@akareilly @tante

Wren Reilly

@wonka @tante Not thinner. Smaller, generally used to describe a smaller screen size. Chunky is fine.

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