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Deborah Pickett

@stufromoz @zens And I've tried them and they are of such poor quality that I won't buy them again. Is it the terroir? The processing? Am I just the wrong market for it? I want to buy local but I'd rather have no coffee than Australian-grown coffee, and I may get my wish.

Helpdesk Stu

@futzle @zens I remember trying them a number of years ago at Mareeba, and some blends were better than others. They were definitely growing milder blends/roasts than the bitey espresso styles (they were adding imported beans to get the required bite)

Luci for dyeing

@futzle @stufromoz it’s possibly the strain. we prefer ethiopian coffee, and believe it’s probably better because of well, better breeding

Helpdesk Stu

@zens @futzle it is definitely a matter of taste, I’m definitely someone who prefers a stronger, harsher coffee, I’m not a “mild blend” person

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