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Alan Martello

@damianogerli @EricLawton It’s the venture capitalist roadmap (Facebook, Google, Uber, etc etc etc):

Start off being cheap/free
Get lots of users
Use number of users to go public
Use money from going public to subsidize getting more users longer
Try to become a monopoly, settle for oligopoly
Degrade the user experience / increase user costs
Assume 20% users will leave
Take money from the 80% who are left all day long.


@amart @damianogerli @EricLawton Corey Doctorow (@pluralistic) has coined “enshittification” for this lifecycle where benefits first flow from VC to consumer then VC to advertiser (or other counterparty) then from everyone back to VC by locking in users then making the service as bad as possible without pushing them away.

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