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Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

“Billionaire philanthropist” is an oxymoron. A true philanthropist would never amass that much wealth in the first place.


@dramypsyd exactly this! I used to love the PBS Newshour, but the parade of rich benefactors at the credits is nauseating. All of the wealth hoarders and their children who created foundations to hold onto the wealth. Why do we applaud them instead of storming their mansions?


@dramypsyd ...they make sure they are spending others money...


@dramypsyd And it 's a euphemism for "they started having a conscience".

Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

@janwo A relative of mine who’s Catholic calls it “trying to buy your way into heaven” and that’s not my jam personally but it’s an apt analogy

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”

A "billionaire philanthropist" may give away some of their money.

They will never give away any of their power.


Ulrich Best

@dramypsyd There's a reason the richest man on the planet is generally a villain, in fiction and outside of fiction.

Γιάννης Εκελδεκερές

@dramypsyd I disagree. The term "philanthropist" is tailor made for improving the image of rich people. Ask yourself: when was the last time a poor person was characterized a philanthropist?

I much prefer solidarity: equal people helping each other.

Dr. Amy, Psy.D.

@pexlibanis Oooh ok I like this! If we strip the positive connotation from philanthropist it’s accirate

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