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@bagder be grateful they didn’t rate it a 9.9 😉 ever wondered what kind of “security incident” would warrant a solid 10.0 for curl? 😄

Ian Douglas Scott

@maxbob @bagder Naturally we're using the Spinal Tap scale for severity, so a *buffer* overflow would rate 11/10.


If you point curl at a URL with malicious code, you can download malicious code

Do not the katie

@maxbob @bagder curl 10.0 CVE: an attacker can execute arbitrary code from a remote source by running sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" on the victim's computer!!! /j

Fennix :donor:

@maxbob @bagder I doubt curl could ever get a CVSSv3.1 10.0 unless there's some buried option to let it run as a service in the background unattended, listening on the network.

It'd pretty well always require user interaction, which caps a score at 9.6.

I could imagine some scenarios where like, if it was vulnerable to something a server could do in response to a request you could maybe get it up to that 9.6, but it would always be a 9.6 for curl as a utility itself.

Applications that link libcurl and use it for process urls and handle responses could maybe be higher in this hypothetical scenario but that wouldn't be down to curl itself.

@maxbob @bagder I doubt curl could ever get a CVSSv3.1 10.0 unless there's some buried option to let it run as a service in the background unattended, listening on the network.

It'd pretty well always require user interaction, which caps a score at 9.6.

I could imagine some scenarios where like, if it was vulnerable to something a server could do in response to a request you could maybe get it up to that 9.6, but it would always be a 9.6 for curl as a utility itself.

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