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daniel:// stenberg://

"CVE-2020-19909 is everything that is wrong with CVEs"

A claimed "9.8 CRITICAL" flaw in #curl that does not exist.

Dylan :heart_nb:

@bagder can you see any path forward where maintainers who want to could have a bigger role in maintaining their CVE list? Has NIST or would NIST consider such a thing, or would we need a whole new platform? Is there already a better alternative we could start preferring?

daniel:// stenberg://

@dbanty I'm not that familiar with all the processes and details to tell.People tend to tell me "you should become your own CNA" as if that makes things better, but I have no idea. And also seems like a complicated way as surely not everyone can be CNAs. This system clearly needs fixing though.

Jeremy Mill :oh_no_bubble: :verified:

@bagder @dbanty Hey Daniel, I've run a CNA before (for Puppet) and I would be happy to have a chat about the pros and cons and how it may help you with some of these


@bagder I saw "CVE-2020-*" in the title, and thought you were simply bringing up an old post... then I noticed the 2023 in the URL and ???

...the fuck, too


@bagder be grateful they didn’t rate it a 9.9 😉 ever wondered what kind of “security incident” would warrant a solid 10.0 for curl? 😄

Ian Douglas Scott

@maxbob @bagder Naturally we're using the Spinal Tap scale for severity, so a *buffer* overflow would rate 11/10.


If you point curl at a URL with malicious code, you can download malicious code

Do not the katie

@maxbob @bagder curl 10.0 CVE: an attacker can execute arbitrary code from a remote source by running sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" on the victim's computer!!! /j

Fennix :donor:

@maxbob @bagder I doubt curl could ever get a CVSSv3.1 10.0 unless there's some buried option to let it run as a service in the background unattended, listening on the network.

It'd pretty well always require user interaction, which caps a score at 9.6.

I could imagine some scenarios where like, if it was vulnerable to something a server could do in response to a request you could maybe get it up to that 9.6, but it would always be a 9.6 for curl as a utility itself.

Applications that link libcurl and use it for process urls and handle responses could maybe be higher in this hypothetical scenario but that wouldn't be down to curl itself.

@maxbob @bagder I doubt curl could ever get a CVSSv3.1 10.0 unless there's some buried option to let it run as a service in the background unattended, listening on the network.

It'd pretty well always require user interaction, which caps a score at 9.6.

I could imagine some scenarios where like, if it was vulnerable to something a server could do in response to a request you could maybe get it up to that 9.6, but it would always be a 9.6 for curl as a utility itself.

daniel:// stenberg://

We have enough problems with NVD inflating our *real* issues, doing the same thing with imaginary issues is so next level.


King of Red Lions

@bagder maybe the severity of this issue is so negative that it causes NVD to run into an integer overflow of their own? 😂



Seems like legal action might be in order.


@bagder I've called out a few bogus CVEs like this. There was one where after it was closed and rejected, it was filed AGAIN when the version bumped on GitHub. Article:

Stanislav Ochotnický

@bagder that cvss vector makes no sense either. No wonder they came up with that score.


Fennix :donor:

@drizzy @bagder I enjoy UI:N for a command-line tool where the bug (not vulnerability) is a specific flag you have to use.

This seems maliciously done by whomever reported it as a security issue in the first place IMO. NVD is a bit of a silly middleman pushing papers but I have no idea how TF they came up with that scoring.

Nick Botticelli

@bagder Reminds me of when I looked into a high severity code execution vulnerability in Notepad++ (with its own CVE of course) for a university course assignment, which allegedly worked by simply opening a maliciously crafted file. The “high severity exploit” was simply generating an exception in a C++ std function and crashing. The vulnerability did not exist and I’m still mad about the time I wasted on it. 🥲

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@bagder there was something similar with the h2 dB system within the last few weeks, CVE-2022-45868.
Similar thing with it not actually being an issue, the project not being informed until soneone asked them about it.


@bagder wait…. So it’s just a bug? If it overflows it just executes, that’s all? Could an attacker do anything with that?

dana :blobhaj_witch:

@monpop @bagder Is control of the command line in the threat model? I would be surprised if it is, I guess. Then the attacker has your machine already.

Rafael Kassner

@bagder sounds like Chatbots are now reporting CVEs -.-


@bagder As a way of saying how old I am without saying how old I am. Mitre used to have a mechanism that potential issues were assigned a CAN-number. Then the elite would vote if it was indeed a vulnerability. If so, a CAN would become a CVE. Of course this soon became a mess as the CANs piled up and checking if a CAN ended up as CVE just for reference became a dreadful chore. I guess you’re on the accepted risk end of the choice made to end the CAN/CVE naming and stick with CVE.

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