@Gauss @KingDeadWolf Uhgggggggg bg bg go ghghf that discord one is such a brain drain.
No I don’t want to join a discord for every kind of quick lookup resource, no matter how much you want to “foster a community and get people who are into this thing together” or how fast your support channel help is.
If they thought Fandom wikis were the devil incarnate for having all their info handled solely by an abusive host, how is Discord, a service with arguably nice ways to organize info but now has an account barrier and willingness to even join the server over just being able to look up the wiki in a browser, requires even more active moderation for the community and is just as vulnerable to a high rank member (or web host for the Fandom connection) turning irate and either trashing the place or outright deleting it all.
All that info now gone. I’ve seen it happen with the Nintendo Switch Sports discord and I was out of a means to check the item rotations for weeks before someone rebuilt it.
Is it purely bc that’s the only other “free web hosting service for sharing content and organized info” people thought of and now it’s just a universal trend to buck any GitHub/Fandom landing page and force everyone into their discord server?