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Gauss but cheesy @ PCD

Me dunking on social media platforms:

**Facebook**: Zucc's clever trick of stalking on uni students got a little out of hand

**Instagram**: Facebook for basic millennials

**TikTok**: 90% garbage, while the good 10% gets reposted on other platforms

**YouTube**: The platform that can copystrike you for beatboxing a song for 3 seconds, but can't figure out how to filter extremely obvious spam comments

**Twitter**: The place where people act like it wasn't a dumpster fire before Elon took over

**Reddit**: They killed the only thing that made it usable, while driving away the people who make it useful

**Threads**: Oh you thought Mastodon is irrelevant?

**BlueSky**: These people created a better Mastodon, then made it invite only while forgetting half the features

**LinkedIn**: The only time you'll use it is when looking for a job, or looking for a new employee

**Discord**: This platform ruined the word "server" for an entire generation. Also it's not a wiki, please stop using it as one

Steffo šŸ²

@Gauss I can agree to most of them!

I just have a few questions :sd_sweatsmile:

- BlueSky: A better Mastodon? I've heard it sucks. Kinda sad it's so popular.

- Discord: How did it ruin the word "server"? I mean.. I know what a server is. Hardware AND Software. And I know the "official" term for discord "servers" are guilds. But still... how? xD

Gauss but cheesy @ PCD


The reason BlueSky sucks, as of now, from what I've heard, is that it's lacking lots of features (like posting videos or polls). The posts there are not publicly available, platform is invite only, and there's probably other stuff I haven't even heard of. What it is better at is account portability: you can use a domain name as your @ and when migrating accounts, post history is kept.

Discord: when I first heard the term "server" I thought it literally meant a server. But it's very different from that, and at least for me that's confusing. Also noone calls them guilds, besides like, Discord devs.


The reason BlueSky sucks, as of now, from what I've heard, is that it's lacking lots of features (like posting videos or polls). The posts there are not publicly available, platform is invite only, and there's probably other stuff I haven't even heard of. What it is better at is account portability: you can use a domain name as your @ and when migrating accounts, post history is kept.

Steffo šŸ²

@Gauss oh okay. So that migration thingy is... evil xD
If Mastodon had a better migration system, it would be way better than bluesky then? And then everyone now goes to the fediverse because it's the hype.

To be honest, I don't call it guilds too. Especially since there's no german word for that (hi, I'm german :sd_wave:). But I DO code some bots for discord, so there I call them guilds xD
I can see the confusion though. Bad term, but it also makes sense somehow. I dunno.

Gauss but cheesy @ PCD

Just to clarify: Bsky in my opinion is not better than Masto. It does have better account migration cuz it lets you keep your posts, and you can use your domain name as a handle, but it lacks a lot of features, is invite only, you can't view posts without logging in, and it isn't even federated. So right now, it's much worse.

Gauss but cheesy @ PCD

@tealnova Idk enough about it, and I've already reached the very generous character limit

Swole and Mane Pilled

@Gauss @KingDeadWolf Uhgggggggg bg bg go ghghf that discord one is such a brain drain.
No I donā€™t want to join a discord for every kind of quick lookup resource, no matter how much you want to ā€œfoster a community and get people who are into this thing togetherā€ or how fast your support channel help is.
If they thought Fandom wikis were the devil incarnate for having all their info handled solely by an abusive host, how is Discord, a service with arguably nice ways to organize info but now has an account barrier and willingness to even join the server over just being able to look up the wiki in a browser, requires even more active moderation for the community and is just as vulnerable to a high rank member (or web host for the Fandom connection) turning irate and either trashing the place or outright deleting it all.
All that info now gone. Iā€™ve seen it happen with the Nintendo Switch Sports discord and I was out of a means to check the item rotations for weeks before someone rebuilt it.
Is it purely bc thatā€™s the only other ā€œfree web hosting service for sharing content and organized infoā€ people thought of and now itā€™s just a universal trend to buck any GitHub/Fandom landing page and force everyone into their discord server?

@Gauss @KingDeadWolf Uhgggggggg bg bg go ghghf that discord one is such a brain drain.
No I donā€™t want to join a discord for every kind of quick lookup resource, no matter how much you want to ā€œfoster a community and get people who are into this thing togetherā€ or how fast your support channel help is.
If they thought Fandom wikis were the devil incarnate for having all their info handled solely by an abusive host, how is Discord, a service with arguably nice ways to organize info but now has an...

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