Me dunking on social media platforms:
**Facebook**: Zucc's clever trick of stalking on uni students got a little out of hand
**Instagram**: Facebook for basic millennials
**TikTok**: 90% garbage, while the good 10% gets reposted on other platforms
**YouTube**: The platform that can copystrike you for beatboxing a song for 3 seconds, but can't figure out how to filter extremely obvious spam comments
**Twitter**: The place where people act like it wasn't a dumpster fire before Elon took over
**Reddit**: They killed the only thing that made it usable, while driving away the people who make it useful
**Threads**: Oh you thought Mastodon is irrelevant?
**BlueSky**: These people created a better Mastodon, then made it invite only while forgetting half the features
**LinkedIn**: The only time you'll use it is when looking for a job, or looking for a new employee
**Discord**: This platform ruined the word "server" for an entire generation. Also it's not a wiki, please stop using it as one
@Gauss I can agree to most of them!
I just have a few questions :sd_sweatsmile:
- BlueSky: A better Mastodon? I've heard it sucks. Kinda sad it's so popular.
- Discord: How did it ruin the word "server"? I mean.. I know what a server is. Hardware AND Software. And I know the "official" term for discord "servers" are guilds. But still... how? xD