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kindly shopkeeper

Someone posted this on the chicago subreddit and i cant stop watching it


@hannah Could this be the solution to traffic?

@hannah Traffic improves if vehicles slow down enough to interweave without stopping?
Elsa Star Trewyn

@hannah That should be treated as an all way stop sign as best I'd guess. I wonder why all the signals are going bonkers?

kindly shopkeeper

@ElsaStarTrewyn traffic laws are just sort of a suggestion here even in normal circumstances


Looks like windows 10 machine that self updated to 11...

kindly shopkeeper

This kind of surreal, deranged urbanism is illegal to build in most american cities


@hannah DUMSOT (deranged urbanist memes for surrealism-oriented teens)

elilla&, tactical travesti

@th @ranjit @hannah

I see your drab European surrealism and raise you colourful Bolivian Neo-Andean.

Two of Mamani's celebrated buildings, inspired by the aguayo textiles of the Aymara people.  They're in bright colours, full of round and sharp geometric figures that create interesting fractals and textures.  One of these is in various tones of green against a white background, the other red-orange-yellow with dark glass winds reflecting the blue sky.
The interior halls are just as colourful, an explosion of patterns and bright primaries, as if you're walking inside an indigenous Andean textile.
🌳 The Dandelion Grove 🌳

@elilla @th @ranjit @hannah oh hell yeah >:3 I remember seeing this before and absolutely getting all starry-eyed :3

Visual stimmies >:3

@elilla These houses look sooo beautiful! :blobcatadorable:

@elilla @th @hannah might as well bring some Arakawa & Gins interior design, which is intended to grant immortality

a brightly colored room whose floor is divided by a maze-like arrangement of waist-high walls. There are are similar walls descending from the high ceiling.
a room whose floor is a series of sand-dune-like curves covered with lumps. Sunken in this floor is a little kitchen nook.
a room shaped like an inverted dome, with a concave floor filled with pillows. Everything is glossy orange.

@elilla @th @ranjit @hannah but where is everybody in the neo andean pic?

elilla&, tactical travesti

@StrwbrryJen @th @ranjit @hannah

Mamani is a working-class hero, having created a whole new architectural language based on his indigenous heritage, without any formal education in architecture (to great grievance of local academia). But on the other hand, I don't think common people get to live in these. The upper rooms of the distinctive buildings, reserved for the owners, are probably inaccessible except for those who can fund their construction.

Maybe that's why it's so hard to find photos of these buildings in actual use. They're intended to be multi-purpose, though, with the large halls in the lower floors meant for markets and festivals and dance rooms. Here's a couple photos I could find in use like that.

@StrwbrryJen @th @ranjit @hannah

Mamani is a working-class hero, having created a whole new architectural language based on his indigenous heritage, without any formal education in architecture (to great grievance of local academia). But on the other hand, I don't think common people get to live in these. The upper rooms of the distinctive buildings, reserved for the owners, are probably inaccessible except for those who can fund their construction.

A red and green Neo-Andean hall, set with white tables and chairs and pink-white balloons.  Men in suits and women in Andean dresses pair in two rows; maybe a wedding celebration or similar.
A woman from the event above spinning a white-red dress.
🍁 Maple🍁

@th @Ranjit @hannah

I want to build apartments that mimic the feel of kowloon walled city

🌳 The Dandelion Grove 🌳

@Noricenolife @th @ranjit @hannah understanding that it was a precarity build and also of course not gonna fully like romanticize its existence…

But yeah holy fuck I wish I had a chance to at least see the walled city in my lifetime >:3 like of course I have some agrarian-type desires tho, but def a build type I once in a while just look upon curiously :3


@hannah this is supposed to be treated as an all-way stop, like the lights are off

Ronathon Livingston Seagull

@hannah I'm from chicago and am shocked whenever it's not like that


@hannah the one car with hazard lights on makes it even funnier

Coles Street Pothole 💀

@hannah I love how it slows the traffic down because the drivers are so off balance and don't know what to expect. 😂 Plus the party atmosphere. This is the future liberals want.

StellaFoxxie :spinny_fox_nb:​

@hannah wow, i wonder if that's a cybercrime or just a time related computer bug

i'm guessing something became an undefined which then became a zero

Alesandro Ortiz 🇵🇷🏳️‍🌈

@hannah They all wanted to be emergency vehicle lights and/or throw a rave.


@hannah i just realized what those flickering lights remind me of:

Croom (regular name)

@ranjit @hannah I was also in classic internet mode, but I was thinking of the Cheat's lightswitch rave

Croom (regular name)

@ranjit @hannah lmfao I was not the only one, scrolled a little further and someone already made a tiktok with that exact audio

motormouth demibro

@hannah i opened this immediately after my macos had a spasm and started flipping back and forth between desktops rapidly

i feel like someone's fucking with me

Deer Witch, Cypress of Baths

@hannah Some sound boards have what is known as “Vegas mode” where the indicator lights and any motorized faders go wild, this has that vibe

Mendie :v_dgirl:


Is there any more context? Was this Today [8 23] or ? Is this "normal" or, often? Who what when where why.....

CEO of Anti-Clock Society

@hannah I love this. Traffic lights are traffic deformation devices that exist to let cars go faster through cities. Without their path being cleared by traffic lights, cars have to slow down to a human speed and negotiate movement through the intersection like everyone else, effectively taking away the speed advantage of cars.


@hannah just need some glow sticks and you'll have a perfect The System is Down Homestar Runner moment

Umberto Ecco

@SansSeryph @hannah doodooloodoot. doodooloodoot. doodooloodoot.

lime with barcode

@hannah I hope there is a loudly buzzing metal box involved

národní prase
@hannah it's pulse width modulation of traffic!

@hannah Something absolutely fascinating but what ?

Phil Landmeier

@hannah Looks to me like somebody's software project didn't fail gracefully.

Deranged is right. Ought to be illegal.


@hannah Someone add Caramelldansen to this


@hannah I don't know, they seem to be driving awful slow for Chicago and almost in a clam orderly fashion


@hannah A Tesla would have a fit and crash into the building


@hannah why isn't anyone stopping for the light lmao

did everyone collectively forget their licensing exam where you treat every malfunctioning traffic light as a four way stop

Daphne⭐ :heart_transgender:

@hannah What... What caused this!? Still, I'm proud of my city's drivers for treating this like a four-way stop and rolling past the stop line at a low speed before speeding through the intersection


@hannah someone confused seconds and milliseconds in a function argument


@hannah Professional assessment: I think the controller and malfunction monitor unit are both "fucked."

Solstice :disconnecting: I mean, they're just treating it like a normal 4 way stop, like you're supposed to.


@hannah my guess is that someone forgot a zero or two when entering the the timings in milliseconds.


@hannah i can't watch that without a house techno beat playing in my brain

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