@ErikUden@davidak It's a bit silly... I put a modern Linux on a Pentium III laptop, and for what I want, it works fine. Sure I have no X/Wayland tested, but it went from being almost unusuable with whatever version of Windows was on it, to being a great writing/coding machine (except the battery life is such that it's only good moving from one location to another, and with spinning rust, I'm not sure I'd recommend it anyway).
@ErikUden @davidak It's a bit silly... I put a modern Linux on a Pentium III laptop, and for what I want, it works fine. Sure I have no X/Wayland tested, but it went from being almost unusuable with whatever version of Windows was on it, to being a great writing/coding machine (except the battery life is such that it's only good moving from one location to another, and with spinning rust, I'm not sure I'd recommend it anyway).