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outofemailaliases is there going to be a way to opt out? like if you on some data that you dont want fed into an ai is there a way to prevent that?


@internetarchive Not sure if this is a good org trying actually bring some good intentions to "AI"/ML (which it sorely needs), or if a sign of a good org starting to rot from the inside...


@internetarchive Please don't join in on the enshitification of the internet for profit.

It breaks my heart to see a bastion of the free web join in making everything worse for everybody. AI is a plague and a bandwagon; don't jump on the bandwagon, and don't participate in making the internet sicker.

Nicol Wistreich

@internetarchive does this mean that your archives are being made (more) available to train machine learning models?

If so, is it opt in or opt out for creators and publishers?

palenque laser codes

@jalcine @internetarchive PAIs site seems decent tbh. their agenda seems reasonable

palenque laser codes

@jalcine @internetarchive tho given that openAI and sama are partners, it might just be fluff lol


I'm sorry but this is kind of fucking stupid and pointless



That's a corporate word salad press release.

What will Internet Archive actually be doing in this partnership?

Ray Of Sunlight

@internetarchive hope it doesn't do anything sketchy like microsoft and google.

@internetarchive If it helps pay the bills I'm all for it. Being paranoid and scared of AI isn't something we should strive for. Using public domain data to train AIs is a slam dunk. Why complain about AI companies stealing data and be against public domain data at the same time? That's insanity.

In fact using the vast amounts of public domain literature should be very helpful to LLMs as long as we use them for their original function (generative general text and not as search engines or answering questions). Hopefully the training data will be processed transparently so others can use it as well instead of making the training data absolutely proprietary and locked down.
@internetarchive If it helps pay the bills I'm all for it. Being paranoid and scared of AI isn't something we should strive for. Using public domain data to train AIs is a slam dunk. Why complain about AI companies stealing data and be against public domain data at the same time? That's insanity.
F4GRX Sébastien

@internetarchive Hello, i want to opt out the archives you have of my website from ai scraping. please to tell me how to either remove my contents or opt out from ai usage of my info. Because I dont agree with this, and I never agreed before, and I never signed any TOS.

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