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Fedi.Tips 🎄

Radio Free Fedi fans, important info!

RFF's Mastodon account is now totally out of action, due to a major hosting problem which also affected their backups. This is not the fault of #RadioFreeFedi, but it has made it impossible for them to stay in touch with their followers.

The actual radio streams are all still working fine, you can listen to them on the RFF website at and their their OwnCast site at

Will update this when there's more news.


@feditips Maybe someone can explain to me how this works? I thought if you publicly shared music on the internet, you had to have a license for the works being played? Unless RFF is just playing songs that are in the public domain?


@Shdwdrgn There's a combination of getting permission from the artists, and playing music released under Creative Commons licenses.

Eric Dannewitz


Yeah, all is well now. Sadly all the posts are gone, but they recreated the account and got their followers back. So it's not a total loss.

"note to self, make sure hosting knows what the hell they are doing"

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