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Andrew Tropin

Found a nice talk on concurrency. It has a very brief comparison of different concurrency models, like Erlang's Actors, Hoare's CSP, Go's goroutines, Clojure's core.async, Concurrent ML (aka Fibers in Guile).

Primary focus on Concurrent ML (but examples are in Scheme with type annotations ><).

#go #golang #clojure #lisp #guile #scheme #ocaml #concurrency #erlang

Detlev Zundel

@abcdw Ah, from Michael Sperber. I think I ran across his name for the first time in the vicinity of the scsh project - which I still cherish highly 😂

Thanks for the link - it is on my to view list now!

Michael Misamore

@abcdw Actors and CSP cover the first four of those. Not sure about ML.

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