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Guillem Leon

@talon I'd say you experienced problems. There's no reason for an average user to know that this is just how AI works. Inaccuracy is a problem and it's not your problem. The feature has one job and it's not doing it.


@guilevi The problem is that the answer to this question is wishy washy, just like the answer the AI gave. Another problem is that these errors compound the more questions you ask. There very badly needs to be disclaimers here.


@guilevi Like the only feedback I can give is problems, or no problems. I want a text box. I want to be able to provide detail for each individual chat.

Guillem Leon

@talon I agree, and if they have an email address or whatever then we should definitely complain. But a problem is a problem. It is not a good experience if it gets things confidently wrong. You know why it happens because you know how the tech works. Someone without that experience would have hit "problems" without hesitation.

Jakob Rosin

@guilevi @talon THey have a very active slack community for the testers. But I have noticed and do agree with all of your points. The hallucinating AI is a really big issue.


@jakobrosin @guilevi There seems to be an understanding that I’m here to hate on the technology, and I want to make clear that this isn’t my intent. But I find it personally very important that people understand what this is, and what this is not, especially because the line of what this appears to be can be very, very blurry, especially with the fact that you can talk to it and it appears to be aware of what it’s seeing and saying.

Jakob Rosin

@talon @guilevi its very easy to get mislead by the verbose and beautiful descriptions. But I have as well seen it describe things what are not there or assume things in a very wrong way. IT definitely shouldn’t be used to rely upon when taking medications for example


@jakobrosin @guilevi If it does do one thing, then it is giving very beautiful descriptions. I took a picture of my yard and of my cats and the results were very sattisfying. And also accurate. It does like to take a little creative license in its expressions now and again though. Especially with my kitties. Although in that instance I definitely welcomed it haha

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