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Warner Crocker

@lawas @Okanogen @big_in_va but are established and written by someone for a purpose or a cause. I’m all for removing and changing things when the purpose or cause is to acknowledge bad choices in the past. That said, removing and renaming is no more or less a symbol than erecting or establishing the thing in the first place. Acknowledge and remember it all, the good and the bad. /3

Warner Crocker

@lawas @Okanogen @big_in_va There are ways to do both, but it requires setting aside passion and ego to look for better solutions. /end

Dr. Mastodonocologist replied to Warner

@WarnerCrocker @lawas @big_in_va
I'm going to say this very plainly and clearly.
It is white privilege to explain why black people need to tolerate "Jefferson Davis Avenue" or go to work every day passing a Nathaniel Bedford Forrest statue and indigenous people need to live in a Custer, SD, because "we" (not they) might somehow forget America's awful history of slavery and oppression.
No. Stop. There aren't "both sides" on this.

Warner Crocker replied to Dr.

@Okanogen @lawas @big_in_va I absolutely agree. Like I said, I hated to use the word balance and was not attempting to both sides the issue of changing names, monuments, etc… That wasn’t my point.

Dr. Mastodonocologist replied to Warner

@WarnerCrocker @lawas @big_in_va
Please better explain your point then, and whose passion and ego are you referring to? Be more specific and clear.

Warner Crocker replied to Dr.

@Okanogen @lawas @big_in_va Sure. Will do. Out of a good portion of the evening but when I’m back at the computer happy to be more specific and clear.

benny replied to Warner

@WarnerCrocker @lawas @Okanogen @big_in_va Being German I am glad I don't have to live with Hitler streets and statues or any other swastika devorations (there are still some, thoufh mainly hidden from the public).
On the other hand I appreciate having all the Gedenkstätten, like at the place of former CCs which are turned into museums to never forget, or the stumbling stones project.
I think you can tear down statues and remember the pastn

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