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This message has more impact than at any other time in the history of the human race.

It is no exaggeration, we are living in the Information Age. It has always been wise to dig deeper, after all, history is written by the victor. But now, we have the library of the world at our fingertips, in the form of the Net. Yet along with this miracle, is an avalanche of disinformation.

It is more important than ever to be diligent in searching for the truth, no matter what your ideology.

David A. Dutton

@GordonIsenburg @ned this is why countries need to start passing laws making spreading disinformation a criminal act


@ddutton @GordonIsenburg @ned of course you'd have to set it up somehow so that the state isn't in charge of what constitutes misinformation or we're literally just creating a plain old police state

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