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Dare Obasanjo

The average US president has been charged with 2 felonies.

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Keen Grasp

@wcbdata @carnage4life I’m already forgetful, are all the β€œcampaign finance” charges of the β€œhush money paid to sex workers” category or are those just a subset? I can’t keep track of all these felonies.


@keengrasp @wcbdata @carnage4life

These are just the charges that they feel like they might be able to win. I bet this guy and his gang of scoundrels have crimes a hundred times more, yet prosecutors aren't sure if they can convince juries. Emoluments might be too hard for some jurors to understand.


@carnage4life Technically correct statement.

It is glorious in all its accuracy.


β€œaverage US president charged with 2 felonies” factoid actualy just statistical error. average US president charged with 0 felonies. Felonies Don is an outlier adn should not have been counted

Marc Jacobs

@sabik @carnage4life Robust mean and robust standard deviation for the win.

Jorge Stolfi

@sabik @carnage4life

But there clearly was a radical change in the process around 2018. Among all the presidents who completed their mandate after that date, the average, mode, and mean are 91 felonies per president.

Scott Perry

@sabik @carnage4life @steve oh no, don't ignore a felon having had power. this is where modal analysis comes into play: "in a bimodal distribution, presidents have committed either zero or ninety two felonies"


@sabik @carnage4life *Felonies Don, who lives in a cave and eats 10000 spiders a day,

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? πŸ¦‘

@sabik @carnage4life But are you talking about statistics, or just the math? Pure math does not care about outliers, only statistics do.

It's like saying since Peter ate some of John's apples, he was thrown out of the room and should not be counted.


@sabik @carnage4life I'd say there is a subtle difference between 'the average president has been charged with 2 felonies' (which is false for the reason you mentioned) and 'the average number of felonies that each president has been charged with is 2' (which is mathematically correct, but should be viewed as 'before interpretation' and so 'before removing outliers from the data set').

Deborah Pickett

@sabik Amazing how many of the replies don’t recognize the standard β€œoutlier should not have been included” meme template. @carnage4life


@futzle @carnage4life
To be fair, I did leave out one of the phrases


@sabik @carnage4life we hope he’s an outlier and that he’s not a teflon don.


@carnage4life Those are rookie numbers. @VerminSupreme could raise that average.

Jan Adriaenssens

@carnage4life Soon additional data on your charts:

- # of convictions (pp)
- # of pardoned convictions (pp)
- # of sΓ©lf pardoned convictions (pp)

(pp: per president)

Jim Flanagan

@carnage4life Bill Gates walks into a bar. Everyone else in the bar is a multimillionaire.*

*on average



I used to teach statistics to college undergrads. I wish I still did because this graph. Just. 🫒


@ohiorob @carnage4life

It's humor.

And it is sad commentary on how one man has abused the sanctity of this country's highest office.

Oli T

@carnage4life "Felonies Georg, who lives on a golf course & commits over 91 each term, is an outlier and should not have been counted"


Un graphique avec tous les prΓ©sidents amΓ©ricains passΓ©s et actuel en abscisse, et en ordonnΓ©e le nombre de mises en examen. Tout le monde est Γ  zΓ©ro sauf trump qui fait monter la moyenne gΓ©nΓ©rale Γ  2 avec sa colonne de 91 chefs d'accusations.


@carnage4life If it weren't for a pardon, Nixon would have though too right?

(noting, I'm from Aus, so my US history isn't great - and this is by no means defending the crimes of the haircut with the red hat)


@carnage4life I'm a bit surprised there were no other indicted presidents.


@brandizzi @carnage4life President Grant got a speeding ticket, on a horse drawn carriage, in 1872. He paid the fine with no drama, and protected the black officer from retaliation from the other rich people he'd busted.

Team Idgara


#AltText: Image of a bar graph with numbers representing US Presidents along the x-axis and increments of 10 representing numbers of felony indictments along the y-axis. 45 on the x-axis has 91, color-coded with the indictment buckets and showing the numbers of indictments in each bucket.

Zalasur 🐡

@carnage4life As it turns out, President Crimes McGee was an outlier and should not have been counted in the total πŸ˜‰





damned lies

and statistics


@carnage4life ah, but what is the mean, and what does that mean mean? πŸ€”πŸ˜‡

Kevin :v_greyace: :vp: Nixon was never actually indicted. They had planned to indict him but he resigned and Ford pardoned him before he was ever actually charged.

Jonathan Matthews

@carnage4life Definitely needs a horizontal β€œmean” dotted red line … :-)


@carnage4life the more precise average is 1.978 at this time.

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@carnage4life Oh no! This is starting to look bad. Can I see a trendline on that data?

DuncanWatson reasons why mean/average is such an annoying default statistic to use.


@carnage4life damn, talk about Crimes Georg (I can explain the meme if you're not familiar with it, I'm not sure how well it's known outside of Tumblr)


@carnage4life felonies georg, who lives in florida…

Kote Isaev

@carnage4life This is how statistics and average works.
It reminds me joke about Bill Gates goes into bar and average income of all bar visitors increases for 1000 times.

John O’Donnell

If Trump goes to prison, the chances are he’ll up the average number of crimes per inmate.

Kote Isaev

@Jodami Donald can tenfold this average per inmate, I guess.


I think I see a trend. Let's calculate the slope of that line.



That's awfully nice, but when do you get to the trials?


@carnage4life Fake News don't lie it's only 1.97826 felony charges per president


@carnage4life …but not if you ignore β€œ(out)LIARS” ;-)

Mensch, Marina

@carnage4life what a wonderful concept "avarage" is ... :mastorofl:

Nora, tech aspect

@carnage4life the average US president *should* be charged with dozens of things, and sent to face justice in front of the ICC.


@carnage4life If we assume this is exponential and all presidents up to Obama committed less than half a felony, this predicts Biden will eventually snap and commit 16 thousand felonies (I assume all of them trespassing on rail lines). Whoever comes next will commit 3 million


@carnage4life actual average is 0 Racism Donal who lives in a fantasy world and steals money is an outlier and should not be counted


β€œaverage president has 2 indictments" factoid actually just statistical error. average president has 0 indictments. Indictments Trump, who lives in subpar resort & has over 90 indictments, is an outlier and should not have been counted


@carnage4life not quite…. On average, US presidents have been charged with around two felonies each. If you talk about average US presidents, you are implying exclusion of the great US presidents from your analysis

Milcom Miasma


When statistics are nobody's friend. πŸ˜†


@carnage4life I'm not sure which is more amusing, the misuse of averages, or counting only charged indictments to make it look like all past presidents were saints. Bravo! ;)

Dave Vogt

@carnage4life Felonies Georg is an outlier and shouldn't be counted.


@carnage4life Why is everyone always so mean to US presidents? All they want to do is have immense power and kill shitloads of people, give them a break ffs.



Yes, but the median president has been charged with 0 felonies.


@carnage4life politicians can be such crooks. LOL...not lol.

Peter Meilstrup

@carnage4life This factoid actualy just statistical error. Felonies Georg, who lives in cave & commits over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


@carnage4life Sadly, there are many who will look at this and say, "See, I told you it was a witch hunt."


So you're saying Trump is above average!

Rob Hooft

@carnage4life however, the distribution is bimodal….


Something tells me you're familiar with Mark Twain's views on statistics.


@carnage4life Indictments Trump is an outlier and should not have been counted

Anna Nicholson Eyeballing the bar chart, I’d say there’s an obvious outlier I’d want to exclude before trying to do regression on this

I suspect there was something wrong with the test setup on the 45th run of the experiment


(For those unable to view the bar chart, it’s a plot of β€˜total felony indictments’ against β€˜president number’. For numbers 1 to 44 and 46, the number is 0. For number 45, it’s 91, broken down as 34 for β€˜campaign finance (NY)’, 40 for β€˜classified docs (fed)’, 4 for β€˜January 6th (fed)’, and 13 for β€˜election fraud/RICO (GA)’) Eyeballing the bar chart, I’d say there’s an obvious outlier I’d want to exclude before trying to do regression on this

I suspect there was something wrong with the test setup on the 45th run of the experiment


(For those unable to view the bar chart, it’s a plot of β€˜total felony indictments’ against β€˜president number’. For numbers 1 to 44 and 46, the number is 0. For number 45, it’s 91, broken down as 34 for β€˜campaign finance (NY)’, 40 for β€˜classified docs (fed)’, 4 for β€˜January...


@carnage4life I think you need to draw the line y=2, to give context to your statement. 🀭

Erik Uden πŸ¦£πŸ‘:coffefied:

@carnage4life the average U.S. president should've been charged with crimes against humanity and crimes of war


@carnage4life Average is doing some heavy lifting there.


Don't post stuff like this: MAGAts are likely see these kind of things and say "see: the average President is charged. with more than one felony, Trump just has more".

Michael Love

@carnage4life Reminds me of the old joke about Wilt Chamberlain and Al Attles combining for 117 points.

Aviva Gary

@carnage4life holy... when you put it like this... πŸ‘€

Phil Landmeier

@carnage4life Hah! Thanks for my genuine LOL of the day. The neighbors heard that one.

Peter Wood


Prosecutor: Did you wipe the server?
Clinton: With a cloth?


@carnage4life As my son pointed out, this is inarguably one of the all-time greatest data visualizations.

Silicon Underground (Dave F)

@carnage4life soon I wonder if Faux Noise, PropagandaMAX or any of the others have thought of this yet?

πŸ’‘πš‚π—†π–Ίπ—‹π—π—†π–Ίπ—‡ π™°π—‰π—‰π—ŒπŸ“±

So what you're saying is 45 has been charged with 45 times the average. Seems to be some poetic justice there. ;-)

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