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Drew Harwell

Substack’s cofounders Chris Best, Hamish McKenzie, and Jairaj Sethi tell me in a statement: "Substack was created in direct response to this kind of behavior by social media companies"

Drew Harwell

New York Times spokesman Charlie Stadtlander tells me in a statement: "We have not received any explanation from the platform about this move" and "would be concerned by targeted pressure applied to any news organization for unclear reasons"

Staid Winnow

@drewharwell If the NYT does not like the terms, they do not have to be on X.

Free market, bitches!

Oh, the argument now is Free Speech must be free* to sacred institutions.

* Not applicable to consumers of news.


@staidwinnow @drewharwell Who said it is about their own Twitter presence? The delay will apply to any links to NYT content posted by anyone, right?

Staid Winnow

@gnaddrig @drewharwell

There is a certain amount of schadenfreude to be enjoyed when the so-called liberal rag carries water for him and other racists, and now suffers at the altar.

Like this shit:

Donnie Two Peaches


Musk is a Free Speech Absolutist for speech he likes. Like Nazism or bigotry against trans kids.

Kevin Leecaster

If a newspaper makes a statement like, "would be concerned by targeted pressure applied to any news organization for unclear reasons" about what ELoon would do to block news he doesn't like doesn't deserve to be called a journalism outfit.


@drewharwell Substack is not a "network". It has no network effects. It is a newsletter publishing platform.

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