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Drew Harwell

New: Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to news websites and competitors he dislikes. Five-second delays on links to New York Times, Reuters, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky and Substack. Most other sites we tested have zero delay @jeremybmerrill

Drew Harwell

Substack’s cofounders Chris Best, Hamish McKenzie, and Jairaj Sethi tell me in a statement: "Substack was created in direct response to this kind of behavior by social media companies"

Drew Harwell

New York Times spokesman Charlie Stadtlander tells me in a statement: "We have not received any explanation from the platform about this move" and "would be concerned by targeted pressure applied to any news organization for unclear reasons"

Staid Winnow

@drewharwell If the NYT does not like the terms, they do not have to be on X.

Free market, bitches!

Oh, the argument now is Free Speech must be free* to sacred institutions.

* Not applicable to consumers of news.


@staidwinnow @drewharwell Who said it is about their own Twitter presence? The delay will apply to any links to NYT content posted by anyone, right?

Staid Winnow

@gnaddrig @drewharwell

There is a certain amount of schadenfreude to be enjoyed when the so-called liberal rag carries water for him and other racists, and now suffers at the altar.

Like this shit:

Donnie Two Peaches


Musk is a Free Speech Absolutist for speech he likes. Like Nazism or bigotry against trans kids.

KB Leecaster

If a newspaper makes a statement like, "would be concerned by targeted pressure applied to any news organization for unclear reasons" about what ELoon would do to block news he doesn't like doesn't deserve to be called a journalism outfit.


@drewharwell Substack is not a "network". It has no network effects. It is a newsletter publishing platform.

Ed Dean

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill the smallness on display can hardly be measured

John Linton Roberson

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill Why is anyone remaining on the comments thread of his 44 billion dollar blog again?


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill And every one of those news sites and their reporters will happily continue to generate free content for him.


@Basmitharts @drewharwell @jeremybmerrill perhaps this will finally get them off of X/twitter but I doubt it. They still want those clicks and will sell their souls for them.


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill time to move away of X - Hello Washington Post, New York Times, The Atlantic etc.

Christoff 🎃 :openbsd: :netbsd: :apple_inc:

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill and yet, millions of people are still there, like what more does the guy have to do?


@deadbeefthemonster @drewharwell @jeremybmerrill he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and the media would continue to post to Twit

Susan Larson ♀️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill Those news outlets should stop covering him, his businesses, and don't accept any advertising from him.

Then they should do everything they can to encourage every other news outlet to do the same. Make him a non-person, and his businesses unprofitable.

Paul Sutton

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill

Can some please confirm Musk got past age of 2, ( which is infamous for toddler tantrums ), went through childhood, puberty then adolescence and as actually an ADULT. He seems to be have like a spoilt 2 year old.

Sebastian Lasse

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill

^ cc @peterhense
This _still_ is in my eyes “Abuse of dominant power” …
#TFEU or it will break.


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill Great research (assuming it's true). "ElonJet now posts on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky." I don't think that last sentence is very professional though, looks like something personal.

"ElonJet now posts on Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky."


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill ElonJet also posts on Telegram, Nostr, and (*sigh* guess you gotta cover all the bases), TruthSocial.

Also, people shouldn't forget that it was under Dorsey's watch that the t(dot)co shortener was implemented, with some not being happy about it.


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill All the jets Jack Sweenry tracks, and their associated accounts, are here:

Tim Reed

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill on the other hand, […] malice […] incompetence.

Jamie Mason

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill

Anybody who is still on Twitter, either socially or professionally, they get what they get. I really don't have any sympathy? It's not like he masks who he is. Musk is trash.



@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill so.. it's not all user agents, but if you want to bypass this behavior you can change your browser's agent to Curl apparently 🤦‍♂️

joel@joels-Mac-mini ~ % for link in $links;do echo $link;time curl -v `echo $link` --user-agent Firefox 2&>1;echo $?;done
curl -v `echo $link` --user-agent Firefox 2&> 1 0.01s user 0.01s system 0% cpu 22.868 total


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill joel@joels-Mac-mini ~ % for link in $links;do echo $link;time curl -v `echo $link` --user-agent curl 2&>1;echo $?;done
curl -v `echo $link` --user-agent curl 2&> 1 0.01s user 0.01s system 6% cpu 0.345 total


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill
Just a reminder, anything longer than 1 second causes a disruption in flow.
5 seconds is inarguably anti-competitive behavior.

Catherine is Tired

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill nothing he does is shocking. TwitX is dead and has been for awhile.


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill And even though they publish an article like this one, the Washington Post is still giving content to Twitter from every reporter with a byline. Hey, reporters, do you even read your own paper?

Simon W 🙄 🆙 ⚛️ 🇬🇧 🇺🇸

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill every one of these news sites should be setting up their own ActivityPub instance and giving their people accounts there. Then they can either ditch Twitter or only mirror posts to it. That won't stop Musk's throttling efforts but it will send a message.

Free speech should include freedom to say "look elsewhere".

Mary Ann Horn

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill pathetic. He’s off the deep end, needs help. And his clearances with gov should be revoked.

Senator Brownshirt

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill

Musk's twisted version of "free speech."
I appreciate his unintended transparency.


Maria Langer | 🛥️ 📝 🎬🚁

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill @zebpalmer

As long as he's not reducing the speed at which Tweet Deleter removes my content there, I don't mind. Not sure why people still are on the dead bird site anyway.

Brian Pepple :fedora: :python:

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill It's beyond me why *any* news organization is still on Twitter. 🤷‍♂️

Word of Mouth Oh no!!

No longer relevant to me... I'm not on Twitter. In fact, I added to my ad blocker, so don't even see embedded tweets.

Why is this so hard for some people (cough cough... journalists)?

Violet Wanda

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill absolutely his right, but frankly he's strangling himself slowly while doing it. If there was an exercise in shooting one's self in the foot, Xitter (pronounced "Shitter") would be it. I'm not convinced it's not on purpose.

I've seen this tactic before. Destroy something by taking it over and mismanaging it on purpose. *cough Libertarian Party*

@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill A real free speech absolutist? Or a petulant toddler of a dictator?


@drewharwell @jeremybmerrill He’s a controller but he won’t win. Money isn’t everything. Everyone must support sources and sites that he doesn’t control. We have to preserve sources of accurate information and news distribution that is true and uncompromised.

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