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“When people want to listen to music they go to Spotify. When people want to study sound recordings as they were originally created, they go to libraries like the Internet Archive. Both are needed. There shouldn’t be conflict here.” - @brewsterkahle

Read our full statement about the recording industry lawsuit against our library:

Tim Ruppert

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I’m just going to slide in here with a quick plug for TIDAL, the streaming app that delivers better sound quality and pays artists higher royalties than Spotify and those other services. ✌️😁


@TMRuppert @internetarchive @brewsterkahle good alternative for folks on Android, otherwise Apple Music is pretty similar. Most are better than Spotify.

Karl Auerbach

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle The work being done by the archives is of great importance.

I'm pretty sure that we will increase our yearly (but always too small) donation to the Archives.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle

I would argue we need to stop enclosure

we need non market alternatives for every bit of digital discourse and commerce:

see also “getting the message”

imagine a new WPA building out municipal internet and web hosting services all over the US. Rework the USPS for the task, which is in a real sense the essence for its establishment as an enumerated power of Congress.

P J Evans

@2du @internetarchive @brewsterkahle
If you have to ask, you're already on the wrong side.


@2du @PJ_Evans @internetarchive @brewsterkahle From a practical standpoint, because it's the law, and being reckless and stupid and refusing to recognize it puts the IA's entire body of work at extreme risk.

P J Evans

@ocdtrekkie @2du @internetarchive @brewsterkahle
Generally, everything I get from IA is public domain. (I've been annoyed lately because even there, I can't see pages any more.)


@2du @PJ_Evans @internetarchive @brewsterkahle Which is basically what everyone told the IA when it announced the National Emergency Library, but it did it anyways, and now it's going to get sued to pieces bit by bit.

It's like if the Library of Alexandria decided to set *itself* on fire.

Stephanie 🎀

@PJ_Evans @internetarchive @brewsterkahle what I don’t want to see is its public domain resources torn to shreds. I especially don’t want to see the loss of the Wayback Machine. Sue-happy crapitalists salivating at a big monetary win could devastate the entire project, including parts that don’t cross any legal boundaries. Personally, I hold more respect for the copyright of individual artists than big corporations.

P J Evans

@BeamsAndBows @internetarchive @brewsterkahle
I want to keep the DS stuff and the Wayback Machine, too. But it would be nice if they could get permission to put up out-of-print and not-reprintable stuff (usually dead authors and non-findable estates.)


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle It's _weird_ how the big labels have the time and money to sue archivists working under fair use but continue to look the other way as the streaming services that have decimated the music industry continue to do so by paying artists pennies for hours of their creative energy.

I'm sure the fact that the labels are robustly compensated by the streamers has nothing to do with this and does not in any way create a conflict of interest, though.



FYI: Dumped Spotify and am very happy with tidal.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle The attack on books and our nations library by trumpys is unbelievably STUPID !! But I guess if you can’t read ….. why have books ? …… morons.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle it is so sad that they have to fight for this whatsoever.

Chris Dudley

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle I've used the archive for academic assignments. I concur that this is its purpose.


@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Harry Smith says to keep up the fight. He did start this.

Brian Dear

@internetarchive @brewsterkahle Some people, when they want to listen to music, listen to their own music collection accumulated over decades, and don't go near streaming services. Spotify doesn't rule the world.

That said, I don't get why, other than they're just greedy jerks, UMG and Sony are bringing this case.

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