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John Gruber

Someone tell the people at Google Drive that you don't include punctuation characters like “+” or “-" when showing keyboard shortcuts. Just ⌘V, not ⌘+V. You know, like every menu in every Mac or Windows apps for the last 39 years.

Albert Kinng🔹

@gruber Maybe they are talking to the grandpas and grandmas out there… you know? The ones who still call you to ask for their own passwords?

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@Albertkinng @gruber Presumably Grandmas and grandpas use macOS and Windows.

Putting the plus there, contrary to every other platform out there, has as much potential to confuse as omitting it.

“I have to hold the plus key too?”

Albert Kinng🔹

@jeff @gruber I’m with @gruber on this one. It’s 2023 for God sake! But then I found this on my mom’s Whatsapp:

Jeff C. 🇺🇦

@gruber This is where the Plus from Google Plus went.

Michael Wyman

@jeff @gruber crap, did it escape from the broom closet again?

Kieran Healy

@gruber What if we put some sort of markup character in there to show that it’s not a literal +. That seems helpful. Like ⌘`+`V. Much clearer.

Michael Wyman

@gruber @kjhealy I’d just file a bug that the shortcut doesn’t work, but strangely does when I omit the + character.


@gruber For MacOS applications, yes. I don’t spend enough time in Windows on the work PCs, apparently, because I thought it would be a standard thing to define a paste shortcut as ”CTRL+V”.


@gruber that’s a big ask for a company that requires a chrome plugin for proper cut and paste support still.

Jeremy Visser

@gruber The other thing I love is the combination of the two in a single menu.

Xavier Bertels

@jez @gruber I think we need to tell them about the non-breaking space character.


@gruber screen shot from my AppStoreConnect account. :|

Eshu Marneedi

@gruber I would like a count on how many people tried doing command, plus key, and C and failed.


@gruber must be an apple thing, because on everything not-macOS +/- commands are everywhere


@AfroScribble @gruber Mac is definitely the odd one out. Examples below: (L-R) Win95 OSR2, Win 3.11, OS/2 Warp4, GNOME 44.


@AfroScribble @gruber Wait, found one that matches the "no +/-" of the Mac menus. GeOS 2.0.

Bruce Adcock :vbike:

@gruber If you click on the Support button in the upper right (the circled question mark, which apparently has no Unicode character) and do “Report an issue”, many teams I knew triaged these reports and converted them into bugs to track in the issue tracker.

No idea what the Drive team does, but I assume they have some method of taking the feedback and turning it into something to evaluate and potentially act on internally.

The Material You guidelines on menus seem to say nothing, and even demonstrate both behaviors:

@gruber If you click on the Support button in the upper right (the circled question mark, which apparently has no Unicode character) and do “Report an issue”, many teams I knew triaged these reports and converted them into bugs to track in the issue tracker.

No idea what the Drive team does, but I assume they have some method of taking the feedback and turning it into something to evaluate and potentially act on internally.


@gruber I keep doing ⌘+ and then type C and it doesn’t work!!

Ade Thompson

@gruber I believe this may be a content design style guide decision used for web accessibility to help screen readers for example.


@gruber Google Drive is a usability nightmare, and it happens to be the most convenient way to share files and file systems with collaborators. What a sad state of affairs.

David Waite

@gruber Surprise twist - Google set the key combo to ⌘⇧=V


Have you tried pressing the cmd key, the plus key and the V key?

Roderick Gadellaa

@gruber I only checked Paint and the Terminal app, but looks like Windows does use the '+' character.


@gruber This no joke is exactly how I have to explain to my mom. I had to reteach her copy and paste using this method just 3 days ago. Maybe applaud accessibility instead of dunk on platform correctness?

Ryan Burnett

@gruber Apple uses “-“ in their documentation. For example, “Option-Command-Esc”

Craig Grannell

@gruber Although every single Mac print magazine I’ve written for over the last 20+ years has used the + formatting. Also, it might be a better option for screen readers.

Christopher Mackay 🇨🇦

@craiggrannell one imagines this sending neophytes off pressing Command, shift-= (aka +), and V. In the spirit of looking for the “any” key. :) @gruber

Craig Grannell

@tantramar @gruber :)

I remember one mag I worked for used to style the keys in little boxes to make everything very obvious. But I guess style is style. As long as it’s clear what you’re suggesting readers do, that’s what really matters.

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