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Fedi.Tips 🎄

Filters are a good way to customise your timeline on here. They let you automatically CW or completely hide posts with certain words, phrases or hashtags.

To create a filter on Mastodon:
1. Log in through your server's website (some apps also let you create filters)
2. Click ⚙️ Preferences > Filters (on mobile click ⚙️, then ☰, then Filters)
3. Click Add New Filter
4. Choose your settings, then click Save New Filter

There are lots of questions answered about filters at

excited for the mastodon rise

@feditips tusky has an option to filter out a hashtag directly by clicking on the hashtag and I wsh masto had it too.

Fedi.Tips 🎄


Thank you! 😅

Obviously my spelling filter wasn't working.

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