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ᵒᵏ wakest

this is a #mastodev UX bug we really need to fix. when logged in and you click "follows" it should just open the users profile in a new window where it shows all their follows/followers and not say this "This user doesn't follow anyone yet." cause its clearly not true.
many people I have shown this site have been super confused by this...

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@liaizon this happens because of how federation works. Thing is, I do understand it. 99% of people do not. Other instances don't know about all of the relationships of foreign users. I was thinking about ways to fix that in #Smithereen, because I clearly do need that — I need complete friend lists to show mutual friends in profiles.

Actually, this applies to likes as well. If you see a post from another instance, you NEVER see the complete list of people who liked it.

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