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@mikrotik rather new, bought three hAP mini as first models, but my friend wbx is a fan of yours since idk 15+ years

the WLAN is… not as promising as I had thought, but they’ll do I think. Two are supposed to be an airgap bridge between two Ethernet segments, to connect the room where my SPARCstations are to the home LAN (once I get electricity there)

Mᴀʀᴋ VᴀɴᴅᴇWᴇᴛᴛᴇʀɪɴɢ

@mikrotik I've got several that we use for the #aredn networking capabilities courtesy of being based on OpenWRT.

@mikrotik Yo mikrotik, i would like to get a CCR2004-1G-2XS-PCIe but they are out of stock everywhere
but here's the mia happy hap ac2 customer :) i love how much it lets you configure (and break haha)

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