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Esther is looking for a server

I always assume everyone is already aware of the dangers of sci-hub but the responses to posts like this one usually show there's still people out there who haven't been warned yet.

Glad I could protect them from stumbling into criminal science communism.


Yeah, there's a reason it's much easier to access through Tor if your ISP blocks it. S

So if you don't want to go to Sci Hub to super-legally access science papers just don't install Tor.

(In Minecraft)


Not that you are making fun of anyone, I just like to share the math


@esther , you should also never ever write to those who originally wrote those papers asking them whether they would send you a copy. They might actually do so with great delight at finding out how much others want to read their stuff and it might go to their heads. We can't have any of that.

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