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Mallory 🏳️‍⚧️:freebsd_logo:

@tess After more than 10 years of teaching git, I think the biggest barrier to understanding is that git hides its internal model from users. If git showed the current state of its internal model and each command explained how it manipulates the internal model, git would be much much easier to learn and use.

One day I'd like to write a new porcelain for git that puts these ideas into practice.

Dana Fried

@mallory all this *and* standardized the syntax, command names, argument order, and flags? Sure. Maybe. I dunno.

But, like, it would also be a completely different tool then?

Mallory 🏳️‍⚧️:freebsd_logo:

@tess Yeah it would be a whole new tool. But all the internals are still git, so you’re not reinventing the thing that git got right. And you can collaborate with everybody else without first convincing them to switch to another DVCS.

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