Yeah, it's up to them to find and rent/buy the space, in this capitalist economy.
And the city should just charge per mile driven, regardless of who is driving and how many passengers. Bigger car=more expensive.
More passengers means more customers to share the cost over, so it works out. Use the income to fund public transport and generally infrastructure for non-car, low-impact mobility.
@not2b @Chip_Unicorn @docpop
@kyrsjo @not2b @Chip_Unicorn @docpop
There's another angle here you touched on: there's no labor being gained by the city. No employees being made. When businesses operate that's the implicit deal, they are providing jobs.
So the city should consider that as well. Labor is usually over half the operation overhead right? Take half their profits and put it toward the city government. Or don't do business with them.